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Multifamily Tricks of the Trade
A Reviewer’s Perspective – Common Mistakes in Submission to the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program and Tips for Avoiding Them

This course is designed to give project team members a reviewer’s perspective on a variety of common mistakes observed in submissions to the EPA ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program (MFNC), along with tips for avoiding them. The course will equip attendees with the knowledge to correctly model and report baseline and proposed plumbing fixtures, give insight into what is important from a reviewer’s perspective in the HVAC Design Report, go over the functional testing sampling requirements, and demonstrate how reviewers check that AHRI certifications align with what has been reported for MFNC. By the end of the nano course, participants will understand common mistakes in submissions to the MFNC program and will be equipped with tips for avoiding them in future submissions, thereby improving the quality of project submissions and decreasing the number of reviewer comments and iterations.

Recommended Experience: Two years of experience in commercial building design, operation, maintenance, or related fields, or equivalent education. Knowledge of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and a familiarly with the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction program are suggested. The target audience for this course is ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program project teams including, but not limited to, modelers, Raters, functional testing agents, and reviewers.

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