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Multifamily Tricks of the Trade
The Ins and Outs of Building Envelope Part 1

This course is designed to teach participants how to determine proposed wall types based on IECC wall type definitions and how to use the ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix A tables to ascertain proposed envelope thermal properties accounting for clear field thermal bridging. It will also cover documenting envelope properties in the DOE/PNNL Performance-based Compliance Form and will briefly introduce thermal bridging related changes in ASHRAE 90.1 2022. By the end of the nano course, participants will be able to identify proposed wall types for the purpose of ensuring compliance with ENERGY STAR MFNC minimum performance requirements (and for energy code as well for projects following the prescriptive path), know how to use 90.1 Appendix A tables to determine the proposed thermal properties of common assembly types found in multifamily buildings in NYS and document them in the DOE/PNNL Compliance Form, and be aware of future changes regarding thermal bridging in 90.1 2022. 

Recommended Experience: Two years of experience in commercial building design, operation, maintenance, or related fields, or equivalent education. Knowledge of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and a basic understanding of energy modeling concepts are suggested but are not imperative. This course can also benefit EPA ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program raters and design team members in general. 

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